Monday, June 12, 2017


I love karaoke and here is why:

Karaoke is  fun for many reasons but what people do not know or fail to get is that karaoke is very therapeutic. It not only can help with your speech or public speaking, it also helps with breathing, clearing your mind, and relaxing the body. Other great things about karaoke that you should take full advantage of are:
  1. Great way to break the ice on a 1st date 
  2. Great way to meet the neighbors or people in your neighborhood
  3. Vent your frustration through a song and you will feel better
  4. Express your feelings 
  5. Create a special moment for someone you love or care deeply for
  6. Create your own adventure with a friends or a group of friends
  7. Make your own party or competition with your group
  8. Explore new bars that host karaoke 
  9. good social outlet and support - people clap for you, sing with you, and cheer you on
  10. Say good bye to stage fright
  11. Practice that song you have to sing a a wedding or engagement
  12. Honor your favorite artists or love ones
  13. Freedom to sing any way you want pitch or no pitch, key or no key... fun
  14. Sing any genre in the world from Alternative to Zydeco.

  15. I invite you to sing Wednesday night with me at Hogo Tiki Nuevo aka THE PASSENGER on 7th Street NW aka Georgia Avenue
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Exert Article from the Telegraph UK

Professor Hiroyasu Iso, the study's co-author from Osaka University, said: "We found the reduced risks of total stroke, ischemic stroke, and total cardiovascular disease associated with light to moderate drinking were more pronounced in men with high social support, probably due to avoidance of unhealthy behaviors and enhancement of stress buffering."

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